November 2002 
Letter from the Editor
Progress is wonderful medicine. After the headache caused by the mailing list in the summer, the establishment of a new SGIR website and the relaunch of the mailing list are indeed welcome. Details of the new SGIR website follow in the FYI section, but I'd like to take this opportunity to thank all the subscribers to the mailing list for their patience and support during the collapse of the old list. Rob Mossop at ECPR Central Services also deserves a word of thanks for his quick action in stemming the tide, and helping us to pick up the pieces afterwards. The list has been checked and rechecked to ensure that the only person able to post to the list is me, the Editor. All attempts to send a message to the list will be automatically redirected to me, and not the list. We welcome items that are of interest to the list, and request that you send them to me. Further details regarding the Newsletter's new e-mail address, and the mailing list follow.

You will notice in this issue that we have received a publication notice of an International Relations text in Portuguese. The Newsletter welcomes such notices in national lanugages. We aim to reach the IR community in Europe, not just the English-speaking part of it.

Lastly, we wish to announce that Professor Osmo Apunen, of the University of Tampere, Finland, has finished his term of office as the SGIR Summer School Co-ordinator, having overseen three successful EIRSS sessions in Tampere, Grenoble and Jena. He also introduced the Virtual Summer School which successfully completed its first year this summer. His efforts in this regard are much appreciated by the Standing Group, and the Steering Committee in particular. The foundation he has laid for the succeeding Co-ordinator and the next three EIRSS sessions is invaluable. With the end of his term of office, Professor Apunen also ends his time as an ex-officio member of the Steering Committee of the SGIR. We would like to thank Professor Apunen for his service to the Standing Group.

Christopher Jones,
The Editor.
International Studies in Europe.

New SGIR website
The ECPR Standing Group on International Relations is pleased to announce that it has established a new website, Now you can find all the activities of the SGIR in one place: the Steering Committee, the European Journal of International Relations, our Newsletter, the annual Summer School, and the Pan-European Conferences.

For those of you eager to read the EJIR, there is online access (requires library or individual subscription), and if you don't have a subscription there's a fax order form available. For post-graduate students, the Summer School page will soon have details of the next EIRSS session in Canterbury 2003. Following on from the success of the 4th Pan-European SGIR Conference in Canterbury 2002, we will soon issue a Call for Section Chairs for the 5th Pan-European SGIR Conference, to be held in The Hague/Amsterdam. Finally, for those wishing to establish connections with other researchers and academics, the Research Directory holds details of researchers and the research projects. Please contribute your details if you haven't already done so.

The new SGIR domain also means new e-mail addresses. These are detailed on the particular pages of the SGIR's activities on the new website.

The Newsletter's new e-mail address is Please send all submissions of material for inclusion in the Newsletter to this mailing address. You can also use this address to subscribe to the Newsletter mailing-list (see below).
Notice is hereby given that the previous e-mail address for the Editor - - will cease to exist November 30, 2002.

SGIR mailing list
The mailing list (by which subscribers receive notification of updates to the Newsletter, and any items of interest that fall between issues) is now reopened. Barring those who expressly asked to be removed from the list, all former subscriptions are renewed. All requests for subscription since the list was closed have been honoured. Should you wish to unsubscribe, and did not confirm this over the summer, I draw your attention to the relevant instructions below.

How to Subscribe
To join the sgir-news mailing list please send an email to the Newsletter Editor,
containing your name and email address. He will then forward this to the ECPR to get you added to the list.

How to Unsubscribe

Send an email to with no subject line and in plain text format (no html formatting). In the body of the message type 'unsubscribe sgir-news' (without the quote marks). You will receive a conformation email saying that you have been unsubscribed successfully.

SGIR Steering Committee  
SGIR Steering Committee's Amsterdam Meeting  Extract from Summary Records, October 12th 2002
Note:  The summary records are provisional until approved at the next meeting.
Red text denotes a decision of the Standing Committee.

Present: Pierre Allan (Geneva); Eiki Berg (Tartu); James Davis (Munich, EJIR Associate Editor); Mervyn Frost (Canterbury); Caterina Garcia (Barcelona); Richard Higgott (Warwick); Christopher Jones (Huddinge, Newsletter Editor); Knud Erik Jørgensen (Aarhus); Olav F. Knudsen (Huddinge, Chair); Marina Lebedeva (MGIMO); Zuzana Lehmannova (Prague); Marjan Svetlicic (Ljubljana); Jaap de Wilde (Twente); Brigitte Vassort-Rousset (Grenoble).

Agenda Item: Opening of Meeting
Welcome to Amsterdam by Jaap de Wilde.
Agenda Item: Pan-European Conference 2004
Following lengthy discussion it was decided that:
The 2004 Conference will be held in The Hague at the Dutch Conference Centre, 9-11 September 2004;
There will be an ordinary rate and a student rate (rate to be decided);
There would be a needs-based lower rate for CEE faculty;
The Standing Group would conduct an active recruitment campaign in Central and Eastern Europe.
The choice of The Hague as the location for the Conference has 'symbolic significance' given the location of the International Criminal Court.
The Hague is 15-20 minutes from Amsterdam Schiphol airport, equidistant with Amsterdam. This means that accommodation could also be sought in Amsterdam, with a 30-minute journey to The Hague. This was felt to be a reasonable option.
Conference Programme
Richard Higgott has organised a Programme Committee at the University of Warwick, consisting of Ben Rosamond, Eleni Tsingou and Maja Zehfuss.
Section Chairs are to be encouraged to seek participants from Central and Eastern Europe.
The matter of plenary sessions was discussed, concentrating on the need for a good solid introduction to the Conference. Possible items are the International Criminal Court, EU enlargement in 2004, and the Dutch presidency of the EU.
The Call for Section Chairs is to be issued before the end of 2002. The Call for Papers will be extended in 2003.
Agenda Item: Nominations Committee for the next Chairperson
A committee with the broadest possible representation was proposed.
The Nominations Committee was confirmed as Helena Rytövuori-Apunen, Caterina Garcia and Ryszard Zieba.
Agenda Item: EJIR Journal Editor's Report
The number of new manuscripts and resubmissions has risen.
There is a much better male-female ratio than previously, including resubmissions as well as new submissions.
The EJIR's consistently high ranking in the Social Sciences Citation Index was commended.
In conclusion it was noted that 2004 would see 10 years of the EJIR, with the possibility of a section in the Conference devoted to the Journal.
The EJIR Editorial team were roundly congratulated for their sterling work.
Agenda Item: Newsletter Editor's Report
A proposal was circulated concerning the establishment of an independent website for the Standing Group, including the purchase of a domain name.
Working on the assumption that the Newsletter, International Studies in Europe, will not revert to a paper document, it is in the interest of stability and continuity, on the arrival of the next Newsletter Editor, that the Standing Group establish its own website. With the purchase of a domain name and storage space, this would be independent of any institutional affiliation on the part of the Editor. This would allow for the easy transfer of access and account details to the next Newsletter Editor, and ensure a stable and constant presence on the Internet.
It was proposed that all Standing Group 'electronic' activities, namely the Newsletter, the EIRSS, the Research Directory, and the 2004 Conference, come under this SGIR website. Thus the EIRSS, for example, would be free of institutional affiliation and retain a constant location on the Internet.
In preparation for the 2004 Conference, the SGIR website would offer online registration, and possibly online payment. The Newsletter Editor will investigate this option with the ECPR Central Services
The proposal to buy the domain and web storage space was approved.
The SC expressed its thanks to Chris Jones for the way he handles the editor and website functions.
Agenda Item: Summer School Business (EIRSS)
A proposal for the composition of the next Summer School Board of Directors had been circulated by the Chair in advance.
John Groom was proposed to head the Summer School at Canterbury 2003, as Andy Williams has stepped down for health reasons.
The Virtual Summer School pilot project has successfully completed 1 full year, concluding with a workshop in Gregynog, Wales. Given the lack of further financial means to sustain the programme for a full three years, it is proposed that the Standing Group suspend the course, as it is beyond the financial means of host institutions.
Questions were raised regarding the selection of topics and theme for the Summer School sessions. It was stated in response that topics and theme are based upon the availability of faculty members at the host institution. It should also be within the geographical context of the host. It was noted that the appeal of particular sessions seemed to vary according to geographical context. Attraction to potential students should thus be estimated in regional terms. It was noted that the EIRSS does not aspire to fill a specific intellectual 'hole' in the study of international relations in Europe, but that experience and attendance have shown that it is able to compete successfully with other European summer school offerings.
Accordingly, no concern was felt over the numbers in attendance at the EIRSS sessions. Attendance at the three previous sessions (15-20 students) was better than many other summer schools, and within the expectations and design of the EIRSS.
It was reported that the EIRSS has run its activities with no financial loss.
The Summer School Directors for 2003 and 2005 were approved (John Groom - Canterbury, and Helena Rytövuori-Apunen - Tampere, respectively). Otmar Höll has already been confirmed for the 2004 session.
The members of the Board of Directors were approved as proposed (Groom, Höll, Rytövuori-Apunen).
Helmut Hubel was approved as an additional member of the Board of Directors.
Brigitte Vassort-Rousset was confirmed as the next EIRSS Coordinator.
The Steering Committee approved its continued financial support to the EIRSS for a further 3 (three) years.
Agenda Item: State of finances
The Treasurer reported that the Standing Group's finances are in good shape.
Agenda Item: Any other business
The next meeting of the Steering Committee will be held in Tallinn, May 10, 2003.advance.

Following the conclusion of the meeting, the Steering Committee heard a stimulating and interesting presentation from Mr. Wellenstein of the Dutch Foreign Ministry on the International Criminal Court (ICC) located in The Hague.

Summary Records prepared by Christopher Jones and Olav Knudsen, November 2002.

Call for Papers  
International Conference on Intercultural Communication and Diplomacy
Malta, 20-23 February 2003

Final Call: Deadline November 22, 2002

DiploProjects began exploring the field of language and diplomacy three years ago. Since then we have hosted an international conference on language and diplomacy and published the proceedings, developed a language and diplomacy Internet portal and initiated an online discussion group on language and diplomacy. With this conference we begin research and discussion on the closely related topic of intercultural communication. With the help of participants from the diplomatic, academic and business communities we hope to uncover the interplay between diplomacy and intercultural communication; to learn what diplomacy can gain from and contribute to the field.

>> Call for papers
We are currently accepting proposals for conference presentations on any of the aspects of intercultural communication and diplomacy listed in the themes section of the conference website, or any other topic related to intercultural communication and diplomacy. Papers presented at the conference will eventually be published in a collection of conference proceedings. Please e-mail a 150 word abstract of your paper and a short biography, by November 22, 2002, to:

Hannah Slavik

Selections will be made at the end of November and all applicants will be notified by then.

Full details of the Conference are available at the Conference Website.

International Norms for the 21st Century: Political Science, Philosophy, Law
International Symposium at Aix-en-Provence
September 11-14, 2003

Convenors: Klaus-Gerd Giesen, Universitaet Leipzig and Christian Joly, IEP d'Aix-en-Provence

Final Call: Deadline November 30, 2002

The international order has for foundations a number of basic norms that ensure its coherence and legitimacy. To fully comprehend international norms means in the first place to ask one-self some questions about the meaningfulness of these norms to the social actors (states, international organizations, transnational entities), and their justifiable grounds. The major challenge of the 21st century will be to generate for these questions novel responses, in a political and economic environment characterized by salient inequities and fast technological and ecological changes.

Political science can and must make its contribution because it looks at international norms in the light of an analysis of the structures and decision-making processes at the global level, also taking into account prevailing ideologies. Philosophy, particularly political ethics, explores the ideal world -the ethical norms- in contrast to the real world. Finally, international law evaluates the meaning and the legality of international judicial norms.

Given the wide scope of the upcoming challenges, the separate work of the academic disciplines becomes unproductive. The main purpose of this conference is to exchange ideas and create a synergism by blending the approaches of the different disciplines.

Location of the Conference: Institut d'Etudes Politiques, 25 rue Gaston de Saporta, 13625 Aix-en-Provence, France.
Working languages: French and English.

The number of participants will be limited. The participants will pay for all of their expenses and travel costs. However, no registration fee will be requested from them. The organizers will help the participants find local accommodations.

The papers will have to be sent by e-mail to the convenors by June 30, 2003. They will be passed out to all participants and posted on the internet homepage of the conference. The verbal presentations at the conference will be limited to 15 minutes and will be followed by a discussion by the participants who are supposed to read the papers before their arrival in Aix-en-Provence.

Papers proposals, including a title and an elaborate outline, are welcome and should be sent to the following e-mail address:

Call for papers for the Cambridge Review of International Affairs
The Cambridge Review of International Affairs, a scholarly publication of the Centre of International Studies, is soliciting articles and essays for the three upcoming issues of Volume 16 to be published in 2002 and 2003.

Academics, Doctoral candidates, Research Fellows and government officials in the humanities and social sciences are encouraged to submit articles for the following sections:

In-depth scholarly studies of timely topics in the field of international relations, which specifically, can
a) throw new light on an existing debate,
b) suggest a new theoretical approach or
c) introduce a new area of study.
Manuscripts should be no more than 7,000 words, including footnotes and tables. Topics that address questions concerning new models of modernization, Central Asia, Eastern Europe, and issues of international law are particularly encouraged.

Think pieces that either
a) launch new ideas/approaches, or
b) reflect on the current state of a particular discipline.
Essays should offer theoretical or practical analyses of current debate along with original, forward-looking perspectives. Manuscripts should be no more than 5,000 words, including footnotes, and can be framed in a more discursive style than research articles.

Submission Details
It is vital that you follow CRIA style guidelines, available in the Info for Authors section on the CRIA website
Address submissions and enquiries to:
Roxane Farmanfarmaian, Editor,, or Alessandra Buonfino, Managing Editor,

Journal of Conflict, Security and Development - call for papers and book reviews
The Journal of Conflict, Security and Development is now soliciting 6,000-8,000-word peer-reviewed papers and 1,500-word book reviews for future issues. Published three times per year by the Centre for Defence Studies at King's College London, the journal contains a combination of extended theoretical and conceptual articles, operational and regional case studies, and concise opinion pieces that establish connections between conflict and security-sector issues on the one hand and develop-ment matters on the other, in particular human rights and social development. Its target audience ranges from opinion shapers, research analysts and media representatives, to think tanks, inter-national organisations and government and academic departments that recognise the intellectual and policy challenges posed by the new security agenda. While a number of journals cover issues and themes relating to conflict, security and development, none are dedicated solely to examining the relationship between security policy and development and to bridging the related disciplines. Not only does Conflict, Security and Development fill this vacuum with fresh, objective and intellectually provocative research, but also it offers an inter-active forum for the cross-fertilisation of ideas and perspectives, and for reasoned and rigorous debate between members of the northern and southern hemispheres. Issue one, for example, contained the following works:

  • Security-sector reform: development breakthrough or institutional engineering? by Chris Smith
  • Democratic police reforms in war-torn states by Rachel Neild
  • Transforming security sectors: the IMF and World Bank approaches by Nicole Ball
  • Cambodia's security-sector reform: limits of a downsizing strategy by Dylan Hendrickson
  • Power and unaccountability in the Turkish security forces by Gareth Jenkins
  • The dynamics of Colombia's three-dimensional war by Marc Chernick
  • The Palestinian paradox: statehood, security and institutional reform by Yezid Sayigh
  • The strategic implications of HIV/AIDS in South Africa by Lindy Heinecken
  • A culture of secrecy: the public's right to know by Frances D'Souza
  • Secrecy and civil liberties in Latin America by Andres Fontana and Jorge Battaglino
Authors wishing to contribute to the journal should, in the first instance, submit a one-page abstract outlining the key arguments of the proposed article and its relevance to the focus of the publication. Those wishing to write a book review should contact the editor detailing the title, author and publisher. For more information, contact Richard Jones, editor, at or visit the Conflict, Security & Development Group web-site.

Call for Papers - The Sovietization of the Baltic States, 1940-56
International Workshop
9 - 11 May 2003
Haapsalu, Estonia

After the occupation and annexation of the Baltic there started a long lasting process of sovietization until the regaining of the indedependence in 1991. The goal of the workshop is to bring togethers scholars from the Baltic States, the West and Russia to discuss different aspects of the sovietization. The papers will be published later. Languages of the workshop are English and German.

Five sessions are planned:

  • Politics
  • Terror and Repression
  • Economics
  • Culture and Education
  • Everyday-Life
The presentation of each paper should not extend beyond 20 minutes. The papers are discussed after presentation and at the end of each session will follow a broader discussion of the theme.

We are able to offer participants free board and accomodation and cover part of the travel expenses.

The location of the workshop is the Rannarootsi Muuseum in Haapsalu, the medieval site of a bishopric and a 19th century spa on the Baltic Sea, 90 minutes by bus from the Estonian capital Tallinn. The workshop is supported by the Robert Bosch Stiftung, Stuttgart.

Please send your proposal for a paper (250-300 words) and a short CV no later than 1 February 2003, by e-mail, to the local organizer Dr. Olaf Mertelsmann.

Olaf Mertelsmann,
Rannarootsi Muuseum,
Sadama 31,
90502 Haapsalu,
Phone +372 50 921,

ESDP, NATO Enlargement and the new US foreign policy
ESDP, NATO Enlargement and the new US foreign policy: How to organise Europe's security and defence?

International Seminar for Experts, organised by the Cicero Foundation
Venue: Hotel Regina (4 star), 2 place des Pyramides, 75001 PARIS

Date: 12 and 13 December 2002
Language: English

Full details are available at the Cicero Foundation website

To download the Conference Programme (RTF file) click here.
To download the Conference Registration details (RTF file) click here.
To download the Conference Registration form (RTF file) click here.

The conference fee is 899 Euro. The fee is exempt from VAT by virtue of Article 11, Paragraph 1 (0), Subparagraph 2 of the Dutch Law on VAT of 1968. The fee is inclusive of refreshments, documentation and extensive French lunches.

For registration, please use the registration form and fax it to the indicated fax number of our bureau in Paris. Please note that the deadline for registration is Monday 25 November 2002 (included).
In case you cannot attend, a substitute participant may attend in your place.

The conference fee is payable in advance and should be received no later than on 28 November 2002.

Shaping World Order (Weltordnungspolitik)
Shaping World Order (Weltordnungspolitik): More than Just Fighting Terrorism

International Conference, December 13th - 15th, 2002
Evangelische Akademie Loccum, Hannover, Germany
Conference language: German and English

The fight against terrorism has moved to the very top of the international policy-making agenda today. It is becoming a primary project in a policy aimed at an order for the entire world.

  • Will all the other future-related questions that were intensively discussed at the world conferences of the 90s with the aim of resolving these fade into the background as a result?
  • Will the various efforts towards developing new structures and forms of political management in international politics not be continued in an open and forward-looking manner?
  • What parts of the important programme of setting up a comprehensive world order should be tackled in a concrete manner in the next few years?
The conference is planned and prepared in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Klaus Segbers, Free University Berlin.
Prof. Dr. Jörg Calließ, Chairman, Evangelische Akademie Loccum
Dr. Fritz Erich Anhelm, Academy Director
Prof. Dr. Klaus Segbers, Freie Universität Berlin

Full details of the Conference, including the Programme of speakers and transportation details are available at the Conference website

Conference fees
€ 125,- including accommodation and meals; a reduction to € 50,- is possible for students (up to 30 years old) and unemployed, if a valid certification is presented; a reduction for participants, who attend only a part of the conference, is not possible.

Please send your registration as soon as possible to Evangelische Akademie Loccum, Postfach 2158, 31545 Rehburg-Loccum, Tel. + 49 5766 / 81-0, Fax 81-128. If you have to cancel your registration after December 10, we will be urged to charge you 25 % of the regular fee. You will not receive a explicit confirmation of your registration: it is to be considered as accepted, as long as we don't send a negative reply.

 Fourth Mediterranean Social and Political Research (MSPR) Meeting
The Mediterranean Programme of the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies at the European University Institute in Florence (Italy) is organising the Fourth Mediterranean Social and Political Research (MSPR) Meeting which will take place from 19-23 March 2003 in Florence and will bring together about 200 scholars from the Middle East & North Africa (MENA), Europe, and elsewhere.

The core structure of the Meeting is workshops in which approximately ten participants and two workshop directors discuss original research. The members of each workshop meet in four of five sessions for a total of approximately fifteen hours in which they discuss papers, general topics, ways to publish the papers and how to continue collaborative efforts.

Although the workshops are principally reserved for participants who went through the selection process and present a paper, exceptions are made for those who, without presenting a paper, wish to participate in one or more workshop sessions. This is done on the following conditions:

a) Completion of the registration form, saving it, signing and sending it by 15 February 2003 to;

b) Payment of a flat fee of 90 euros for scheduled meals and a full set of papers of one workshop by bank transfer to the EUI account (for bank details see word document "Bank Info for Medmeeting". It is very important that you give the reference "Med Meeting 2003" with your bank transfer. Funds should be received by 12 March 2003. The Mediterranean Programme reserves the right to deny participation if funds have not been received by 12 March 2003. In no case transferred money can be refunded.

Full details are available at the MSPR website

44th Annual ISA Convention

44th Annual ISA Convention, Portland, Oregon, USA
February 25 - March 1, 2003


The Preliminary Programme is available, in PDF format. Click here
For further information about the Conference, go to the Conference wesbite


Note: The last day to register at the Pre-Registration price is January 6, 2003. Registration cancellations received after February 1, 2003 are nonrefundable.

You can download a print version of this form to mail or FAX to ISA here: portland_register.doc
ISA, 324 Social Sciences, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721, USA; FAX (520)621-5780

If you wish your registration fee to be deducted from your travel grant, print the registration form and FAX or mail it to ISA, indicating that you want your fee deducted from your grant.

CEEISA/ISA International Convention 2003

Central European University, Budapest, Hungary
June 26 - 28, 2003

Global Tensions and Their Challenges to Governance of the International Community

For further information about the Conference, go to the Conference wesbite

REGISTER FOR THE CONVENTION   Register online here

You can download a print version of this form to mail or FAX to ISA here: budapest_register.doc
ISA, 324 Social Sciences, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721, USA; FAX (520)621-5780

If you wish your registration fee to be deducted from your travel grant, print the registration form and FAX or mail it to ISA, indicating that you want your fee deducted from your grant.

ECPR Conference 2003

Marburg, Germany
September 18-21, 2003

The ECPR is organising its second Conference in 2003 in Marburg, Germany. As with the first Conference held in Canterbury in 2001, there will be a conventional academic forum for presenting and listening to papers.

The academic programme will consist of sections and panels, with each section chair organising a variety of panels in a given field. All sections have now been confirmed and proposals to organise panels or present papers within these sections are welcomed. The topics covered by the sections will be as broad as possible. The academic convenor is Klaus Armingeon (University of Bern).

The other part of the academic programme will be a thematic one on "Governance in the New Europe". This will consist of a number of round tables and symposia. The convenor of this part of the conference is Donatella Della Porta (University of Florence).

Please note the following important dates:

 15 January 2003: On-line registration begins
 1 March 2003: Call for papers closes
 1 April 2003: Full programme published, (including timetable, with names of paper givers, paper titles and discussants)
 1 June 2003: Deadline for early registration

Full details of the Marburg Conference are available here.

SOSIG: Social Science Information Gateway

What Is SOSIG?
The Social Science Information Gateway (SOSIG) is a freely available Internet service which aims to provide a trusted source of selected, high quality Internet information for students, academics, researchers and practitioners in the social sciences, business and law. It is part of the UK Resource Discovery Network.

SOSIG Internet Catalogue
The SOSIG Internet Catalogue is an online database of high quality Internet resources. It offers users the chance to read descriptions of resources available over the Internet and to access those resources directly. The Catalogue points to thousands of resources, and each one has been selected and described by a librarian or academic. The catalogue is browsable or searchable by subject area.

Social Science Grapevine
Grapevine is the 'people oriented' side of SOSIG, offering a unique online source of career development opportunities for social science researchers in all sectors. Grapevine carries details of relevant training and development opportunities from employers and training providers. Researchers can also make their CVs available online which are freely accessible to all visitors to the site. Grapevine's Likeminds section provides a forum for exchange of ideas and information about potential research opportunities and partnerships. If you want to find contacts in your field you can also check the social science departmental database.

Click here for the IR/Politics Conferences listings.
Click here for the main subject listings.

New Publication: Curso Relações Internacionais

2002 Outubro
ISBN: 972-8500-82-3
Disponibilidade: Imediata
Editora: Principia
Nº de páginas: 424
Capa e acabamento: Brochado (cosido)
Prazo entrega: 3 dias
Autor: José Adelino Maltez
Professor Catedrático do ISCSP; Doutor e agregado em ciência política; Professor Catedrático convidado da Faculdade de Direito de Lisboa; Director do Centro de Estudos do Pensamento Político (ISCSP).

Este texto é fruto das reflexões e da experiência do autor enquanto professor de Relações Internacionais na Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa. Nele procura integrar, "de forma interdisciplinar, as matérias da ciência do direito, das relações internacionais e da política, com o micro da técnica e do saber-fazer e o macro da procura da sabedoria, a que muitos dão o nome de filosofia", por acreditar que só assim se pode "aceder à complexa questão da globalização, da mundialização ou da planetarização". E opta claramente por um estudo integrado dos "vários discursos sobre o tema, bem como pela procura dos valores que mobilizam os indivíduos e os povos em torno de concepções do mundo e da vida ou de cosmovisões", ciente que está de que "não há ciência livre de valores".

Principais tópicos

Preço: € 21,90 / 4.391$ (PTE)

New Publication: The Changing Politics of Foreign Policy

Published October 2002
Publisher: Palgrave
ISBN: 0333754239
400 pages

Author: Christopher Hill
Montague Burton Professor of International Relations, London School of Economics.

A major new introduction to, and interpretation and reassessment of, the nature of foreign policy in the light of changing political conditions, international and domestic. It argues that despite the forces of globalization foreign policy is an essential part of the life of any state and a focal point for both political agency and democratic accountability.

'This is a very creative, broad-ranging evaluation of the changing status and current state of foreign policy analysis. Provocative and insightful, it fills a major gap in the literature and should command a wide audience and much critical attention.' - Charles W. Kegley, Jr., Pearce Professor of International Relations, University of South Carolina and President, International Studies Association, 1993-1994

Read PDF Sample Chapter

Price: £18.99

 Order online at Palgrave

European Journal of International Relations Go to the EJIR website    
Published by Sage under the auspices of the Standing Group on International Relations of the ECPR, the European Journal of International Relations is an exciting scholarly venture dedicated to the stimulation and dissemination of research and scholarship in International Relations throughout the academic community in all parts of Europe and beyond.

The European Journal of International Relations pays special attention to conceptual, normative and formal theories, seeking in particular to foster an awareness of methodological and epistemological questions in the study of International Relations. It reflects research and developments of both a theoretical and an empirical nature in the major sub-areas of the field, including Foreign Policy Analysis, International Organization, Strategy and Conflict, International Law and International Political Economy. It also aims to bring to the attention of scholars new developments in the field, as well as focusing on Europe and its sub-regions.

Quarterly: March, June, September, December.
Volume number in 2003 or first SAGE volume if not yet published: Volume 9

Click here for a FAX order form from SAGE

EJIR 8(4) December 2002 Abstracts
Constitution, Choice and Change: Problems with the 'Logic of Appropriateness' and Its Use in Constructivist Theory
Ole Jacob Sending
  Institutional Breakdown and International Cooperation: The European Agreement to Recognize Croatia and Slovenia.
David Bearce

The debate between a moderate version of constructivist theory and rationalist theory centres primarily on the rationality of individual action. The article consists of an in-depth analysis of the 'logic of appropriateness' (LoA) invoked in constructivist theory. The analysis reveals that the LoA is a structural explanation and understanding of individual action. As such, it is untenable as a theory of individual action. The implications of this structural bias are discussed in relation to three core claims of constructivist theory. Moderate constructivist theory claims, first, that norms are constitutive for actors' identities. Second, it claims that agents and structures are mutually constitutive. Third, it claims that changes in ideational structures do occur and lead to changes in political practice. I conclude that the LoA is able to account for the first of these claims, but that by virtue of being able to account for this claim, it is, at the level of a theory of individual action, inconsistent with the second, and unable to effectively account for the third.
Using the logic of a two-phase cooperation framework (first bargaining to reach an agreement, then enforcement of the negotiated agreement), this paper examines how the risk of institutional breakdown can help promote international cooperation. I argue first that the risk of institutional breakdown can help promote bargaining cooperation by raising the opportunity costs of bargaining failure, thus providing a strong incentive for states who value the fragile international institution to negotiate a cooperative agreement. Having helped states to reach a cooperative bargain, the risk of institutional breakdown can also play a role in the subsequent enforcement phase. I argue second that the risk of valued institutional breakdown can reduce state preferences for defection, moving the enforcement problem away from the standard Prisoners' Dilemma structure. To illustrate these arguments, I examine the European Community's decision to recognize the breakaway Yugoslav republics of Croatia and Slovenia.
'A Democratic Critique of Cosmopolitan Democracy: Pragmatism from the Bottom-Up'
Molly Cochran
  Review Article: International Relations and World History
Martin Hall

This article begins by critically evaluating recent work on cosmopolitan democracy by David Held. I argue that where cosmopolitan democrats should now focus their energies is in filling a significant gap that Held's inquiries have left open: an exploration of what 'bottom-up' processes bring to cosmopolitan democracy, more specifically the work of problem-solving, publicity, and advocacy that takes place in sites that are referred to as international public spheres (IPSs). The next stage for the literature on cosmopolitan democracy must continue the work that James Bohman and John Dryzek have begun; that is, theorizing the role of bottom-up processes, in particular how IPSs and their members - individuals - work together in making their shared views authoritative in international decision-making. However, I argue that a pragmatist understanding of this key democratic concept, as opposed to the deliberative ones used by Bohman and Dryzek, is better suited to this endeavour.

EJIR 9(1) March 2003 Abstracts
Endogenizing Corporate Identities: The Next Step in Constructivist IR Theory
Lars-Erik Cederman/Christopher Daase
  (Un)Popular Strangers and Crises (Un)Bounded: Discourses of Sex-Trafficking, European Immigration and National Security Under Global Duress
Jacqueline Berman

In recent years, constructivists in International Relations have been attempting to 'seize the middle ground' between positivist objectivism and postmodernist relativism. Yet, while useful in rendering the approach more palatable to mainstream researchers, these efforts risk leading to premature ontological closure. We therefore propose that constructivist research be extended to a 'sociational' research agenda. Based on Georg Simmel's process theory of Vergesellschaftung, it joins contemporary constructivists on the epistemological middle ground while liberating itself from some of their ontological restrictions. The sociational perspective endogenizes the actors' corporate identities as a way to trace 'entity processes' such as the creation and dissolution of actors as well as boundary change. Such an analytical shift make it possible to imagine, and thus also to analyze, past, present and even future worlds constituted by co-evolving social formations, such as nations, ethnic groups, supranational organizations and states. We show how sociational analysis complements and surpasses conventional explanations of cooperation and conflict as applied to the democratic peace and ethnic conflict.
While the 'trafficking in persons' is a problem that has long plagued the international community, sensationalized media coverage and governmental anti-organized crime initiatives have produced a new set of discursive practices that conflate violent crime against women with complex forms of post-communist gendered migration. These discourses refer to many different forms of exploitation and migration as 'trafficking in women for purposes of sexual exploitation.' In other words, they portray all international, often illegal, migration and labour as acts of violated gender and raced innocence and of international organized crime. In this frame, criminalization of all activities related to trafficking appears to be the most logical and effective means of redressing this problem. It simultaneously, however, subjects all east European migrant sex workers to categorizations that defuse what may function as the challenges presented by their sovereign and symbolic boundary transgressions. A focus on crime and violated borders (rather than on the conditions under which women migrate or are forced to work), extends barriers to migration and renders it more dangerous for women while not necessarily hindering movement or assisting the genuine victims. Because it emphasizes the role of state-based institutions in fighting international organized crime, criminalization also serves as a means through which practices of 'statecraft' work to reiterate the privileged place of the state in IR. As such, discourses of sex-trafficking provide a particularly incisive site at which to examine European integration, immigration, 'globalization' and their effects on IR in a gendered and race-cognizant frame.
The 'English School' in China: A Travelogue of Ideas and Their Diffusion
Yongjin Zhang
  Review Article: The End of the Cold War: A Battle or Bridging Ground between Rational and Ideational Approaches to International Relations?
Margarita H. Petrova

Why does International Relations (IR) still remain 'a not so international discipline'? What promotes/constrains the diffusion of non-American ideas to national IR epistemic communities beyond the trans-Atlantic community as well as Europe? In this paper, I tell the story of how the English School (ES) as a non-mainstream approach to theorizing about IR has travelled to China. I examine the way in which the transmission of ideas associated with the ES has influenced the IR theoretical discourse in China to date. Borrowing insights from recent constructivist theorization on how norms and ideas diffuse, I offer sociologically informed explanations of how and why the American intellectual hegemony in IR has been reproduced in a national IR academic community. They suggest that the enduring dominance of the American scholarship in peripheral IR epistemic communities has less to do with either the power or the persuasiveness of ideas than with the American entrepreneurship in promoting international studies. The lessons learned from this story argue strongly for an additional agenda for the reconvened ES.
New Publications from John Harper Publishing

7th Edition
Published 2002
Hardback 246 x 189 mm
About 600 pages
ISBN 0-9536278-9-6

Price £ 95

Order form available here  
as PDF document.

Treaties and Alliances of the World: 7th Edition

Now in its 34th year of continuous publication, Treaties and Alliances of the World provides an invaluable reference guide in one clearlyorganized volume to the vast array of agreements that underpin the international system of relations between states. Covering everything from major treaty-based international and regional organizations like the IMF, NATO and the EU to less familiar bodies in areas such as scientific cooperation or agricultural commodities, it is an invaluable stand-by for anyone carrying out research, or having to answer queries, in government, academia, the media and all institutions with an involvement in the study or practice of international relations.

Among the many major recent developments fully described in the new edition (the first since 1995) are:
The creation and development of the World Trade Organization
Debate and conflict over economic globalization
NATO's "first war" in Kosovo
In the EU, the Treaties of Amsterdam and Nice and launch of the euro
NAFTA and negotiations on the Free Trade Area of the Americas
The crisis over the Kyoto Accord on global warming
US-Russia negotiations on the anti-ballistic missile treaty
The UN war crimes tribunals for Yugoslavia and Rwanda
Crisis in the Mid-East peace process
International responses to the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks on the USA

Individual chapters include:
The UN System
Other General International Organizations
Disarmament and Arms Control
International economic organizations
Commodities and Raw Materials
Scientific and Environmental Cooperation
Middle East

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Published 2002
Edited by Alan J. Day
Hardback 297 x 210 mm
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Political Parties Of The World: 5th Edition

Packed with information on more than 2,550 political parties and 230 national political systems, Political Parties of the World is a veritable "Baedeker of world politics" (World Affairs Report).

This new edition - the first since 1996 and the biggest and most comprehensive ever covers every political party of note anywhere in the world and is organized in a clear reference directory format to be used both as a tool for quick fact checking and for more detailed research. It is a must for all libraries with political reference interests, research institutes and think tanks, ngos with political relationships, parliamentarians, the media, and teachers of political studies, as well as political parties themselves.

Political Parties of the World is organized by country in alphabetical order. Each country section contains an informative overview of the parliamentary and constitutional system, plus summaries of the most recent election results. Each important party is profiled in depth, looking at its history, electoral performance, leadership and goals, while more concise data is given for minor parties. Also included are appendices covering the main international party organizations and the party composition of the European Parliament, and there are indexes of parties and people.

Features of the new edition (available January 2002) include:
New bigger A4 hardback format to accommodate more data
Coverage of 230 nation states and dependencies worldwide
Updated information on more than 2,550 parties, including over 400 newly formed in the period 1997-2001
Expanded contact data, now including email addresses plus more than 750 party websites
Full updating of election results
Details of international party affiliations
Indexes of parties and personal names

Assistant Professor, Public Policy - American University in Bulgaria
The Politics/International Relations Program seeks a broadly trained political scientist in public policy analysis. Research and teaching interest in Southeast Europe or the European Union is a plus. AUBG is a small American-style liberal arts undergraduate institution dedicated to developing the next generation of leaders for the Balkan Region. Its learner-centered environment and English language instruction attracts excellent students from throughout the region. Competitive salaries are based on experience and qualifications. Rank is open. Applicants should submit a cover letter; CV (including e-mail address); 3 reference letters with e-mail addresses -- at least one assessing teaching; evidence of teaching effectiveness; and copies of official transcripts if a recent graduate. Review of complete applications will begin January 15, 2003. Materials should be sent to POS Search Committee, American University in Bulgaria, Blagoevgrad 2700, Bulgaria or to the address below. AUBG is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Electronic submissions encouraged.

Deadline: 15 December, 2002

POS Search Committee,
American University of Bulgaria,
1725 K Street. NW Suite 411,
Washington, DC 20006-1419,
Phone: (202)955 14 00
Fax: (202)955 14 02

Turkish Politics, Comparative Politics, and International. Relations - Bilkent University, Turkey
The Department of Political Science and Public Administration at Bilkent University in Ankara, Turkey invites applications for three tenure track positions in the fields of Comparative Politics, International Relations, and Turkish Politics, and for two non-tenure track positions in Sociology/Social Psychology beginning September 2003. Applicants to tenure track positions are expected to hold a Ph.D. degree with a strong commitment to research as well as teaching. MA degree recipients will be considered for the non-tenure track positions. The course load is 2/2 for tenure-track positions and 4/4 for non-tenure track positions, the latter of which too are generally renewable. The language of instruction at Bilkent is English. Salaries are competitive.

Bilkent University is the leading research university in Turkey. There is a large community of foreign nationals at Bilkent, including faculty. The campus is located in a newly developed residential area which is only 10 kilometers from central Ankara. The university provides hourly free shuttle service to the city. The university offers many attractions in culture as well as in sports. The university is home to the internationally recognized Bilkent Symphony Orchestra, and recently opened a state-of-the art sports facility on campus. There is a large shopping mall in walking distance replete with chic shops and restaurants, movie theaters, plus a mega-grocery complex. The university provides free housing to its faculty, and funding for participation in international conferences. Applications, accompanied by a current CV and three letters of reference, should be sent by post or by email to the address below. Review of applications will begin immediately.

Closing Date: January 15, 2003

Professor Metin Heper,
Chair, Department of Political Science and Public Administration,
Bilkent University,
06533 Bilkent,


Faculty position on International Conflict Resolution - Sabancý University
The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Sabancý University, an English-speaking private university in Istanbul, Turkey, invites applications and/or nominations for a faculty position in International Conflict Resolution.

Qualifications for the position are as follows:
Ph.D. in Conflict Resolution or International Relations with a special emphasis on the processes and mechanisms for solving and transforming international conflicts. The role of international organizations, third-party roles in conflict resolution, alternative approaches to resolving and preventing conflict, approaches to peacemaking, the formation of cooperative global relationships, and individual and community transformation are some of the critical topics.

Candidates are expected to have strong theoretical and research skills as well as a record of successful teaching. Duties for the position include teaching two courses per semester on the graduate and undergraduate levels and conducting publishable research.

Sabancý University encourages interdisciplinary teaching and research by specialists in all areas. Prospective faculty in Conflict Analysis and Resolution are expected to work closely with other specialists in the social sciences.

Applicants need to include a resume, brief statement of reseach and teaching goals, and three of recommendation to Dean of Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Sabancý University, Orhanlý, 81474 Tuzla Istanbul, Turkey. All materials should be received no later than January 31, 2003.

For further information please contact:
Nimet Beriker Ph.D., Program Coordinator.
Phone: 90-(0216) 483 92 45
Facsimile: 90-(0216) 483 92 50

Research Training Network: Pre- and Post-doctoral researchers

Dynamics and Obstacles of European Governance
This Research Training Network, financed by the European Community, aims to provide young researchers with insights into the system of multi- level governance and to equip them with research tools, which could not easily be obtained within a national context. A network of seven Universities from the Netherlands (Maastricht), Denmark (Odense), Finland (Turku), Germany (Mannheim and Munich), UK (London) and the Czech Republic (Prague) will give them this opportunity. The network will provide training for young researchers in two ways:

The young researchers will:

  1. carry out their individual research projects and
  2. will attend a specific training programme.

This programme will give young researchers insights on concepts and theories of European integration governance and sound knowledge on quantitative and qualitative research methods. The teaching staff will assist scholars individually in their research projects.

The duration of the project is 36 months as of October 1, 2002 and runs until September 30, 2005. The deadline for application is December 13, 2002. Appointment is to be as soon as possible.

5 pre-doctoral and 2 post-doctoral researchers are to be appointed within this network.

This network is open to a young researcher who:

  • holds a doctoral degree or a degree within the Social Sciences obtained from a University or equivalent institution of higher education, which qualifies her/him to embark on a doctoral degree; and who
  • is a national of a Member State of the European Community or of an Associated State or residing in the Community for at least five years prior to her/his appointment within the framework of this network; and
  • is NOT a national of the state in which the participant's research team appointing her/him is located and he or she must not have carried out her/his normal activities in that state for more than 12 of the 24 months prior to the appointment;

In the case of national of a third country, she/he is not permitted to move to a host country in which she/he was residing for more than two years in the last five years immediately prior to the appointment date.

More information on the network and the application procedures can be found at:

Global Security and Co-operation Programme
Funding for Research and training om issues of Global Security and Co-operation

The Global Security and Cooperation Program (GSC) of the Social Science Research Council is pleased to announce 3 new funding opportunities for research and training on the underlying causes and conditions of conflict and insecurity. There are no citizenship or nationality requirements.

The GSC Program particularly seeks to bridge the gap between the knowledge held by practitioners -- human rights activists, humanitarian relief workers and development consultants, etc. - and academics. We believe that new and more appropriate forms of collaboration between these two communities are vital for both understanding and ameliorating the varieties of threats to human security around the world. The MacArthur Foundation funds the following fellowships:

Research Fellowships for Professionals Working in International Affairs
Applications are invited from practitioners (NGO professionals, activists, journalists, lawyers etc.) to conduct a research and writing project for 8-18 months under the supervision of an academic mentor in a university or research institute. A significant piece of writing is expected as a result. Applicants should have 5-15 years of experience working in issues related to international security and cooperation. Maximum award: $38,000 per year. Deadline: December 2, 2002.

Postdoctoral Fellowships on Global Security and Cooperation
Applications are invited from scholars holding a PhD or equivalent for 8-18 months of support. The first half of the fellowship is to be spent working in a nongovernmental, international or multilateral organization involved in peace and security issues. The second half must be spent conducting a research project informed by that experience. Maximum award: $38,000 per year. Deadline: December 2, 2002.

Dissertation Fellowships on Global Security and Cooperation
Applications are invited from students working towards the PhD or equivalent for a two-year fellowship. The first year must be spent working at a non-governmental, international or multilateral organization involved in peace and security issues outside the applicant's country of residence. The second year must be spent conducting a research project related to that experience. Maximum award: $19,000 per year. Deadline: December 2, 2002.

For more information and application forms please contact GSC at:

Email: Web:
Telephone: (+1) 202.332.5572 / fax: (+1) 202.332.9051

Visiting Fellows Programme 2003-2004 - University of Notre Dame, USA

The Visiting Fellows program aims to bring to the Kroc Institute outstanding scholarly and policy relevant projects which engage the central research themes of the Institute. Visiting Fellows are college and university faculty who conduct research, write and teach in peace studies, or who are professionals from international organizations.

The Institute is especially interested in applications from persons working in the following thematic areas: the resolution of and transformation of contemporary conflicts; enforcing norms of peace, human rights and justice through regional and global mechanisms and institutions; the relationship between globalization, global governance and peace-building; the role of ethical perspectives in various aspects of violence and peace building, including specific concerns regarding the use of force or weapons proliferation.

Kroc visiting fellows are expected to participate in fellows' seminars, the Institute's lecture series, and other activities of the Institute and the University. The Institute furnishes fellows with an office, library access, communications links, document retrieval services, and subsidized housing in Institute apartments. Visiting fellows often obtain outside funding to meet the expenses of their fellowship. In a limited number of cases, the Institute will provide a stipend for applicants who need additional funding to complete their work. Opportunities for teaching may be explored on an individual basis.

To be considered for a Kroc Visiting Fellowship, the applicant must supply: an abstract of the project not to exceed one page; a 5 page project description which specifies the thematic link between the project and the research agenda of the Kroc Institute, the methods of investigation, a timetable for completion of the project, and a project budget; a résumé or curriculum vitae, including a list of publications; two letters of recommendation, which address the applicant's qualifications and the suitability of the proposed project; notation of applications made to other sources of research support for the project; an indication of whether the applicant is interested in teaching while at the Kroc Institute.

Applicants are expected to have a doctorate or a professional postgraduate degree. Applications will begin to be reviewed beginning on December 15, 2002. Final decisions will be made by January 15, 2003. Fellowships may begin in mid-August 2003, and are of one or two semester duration.

If you have further questions, please contact:

George A. Lopez, Director of Policy Studies
Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies
Hesburgh Center for International Studies
Notre Dame, Indiana 46556


Ms. Linda K. Brady
tel: (+1) 574 631-6483
fax: (+1) 574 631-6973

International Politics - Journal: Call for Editorial Team

International Politics, a peer-reviewed scholarly quarterly focused on transnational issues and global problems published by Kluwer Law International (New York & The Hague), seeks a new editorial team (Editor-in-Chief, Editor, Book Review Editor) to commence during the next academic year. Since 1996, Dr. Daniel N. Nelson (George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies) has served as Editor-in-Chief; Dr. Laura Neack (Miami University) has been Editor since 1998 and editorial offices are now located at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. Nelson and Neack wish to ensure a smooth transition of editorial responsibilities during the academic year of 2002-2003, with a new team assuming these roles incrementally while the four issues for Volume 40 (for 2003) are assembled. The current co-editors of the journal's book review section, Drs. Marijke Breuning and John Ishiyama (both at Truman State University), also wish to transition from this responsibility in 2002-2003.

International Politics is now publishing Volume 39 (2002). The journal has a superb, truly international editorial board on which serve many prominent scholars of international relations as well as a number of senior policymakers and analysts:

Pierre Allan, Abdullahi Ahmed An-Na’im, Pauline Baker, Nicole Ball, Branko Caratan, Jiri Dienstbier, Susan Eckstein, Heinz Gartner, Leslie Holmes, Terry Hopmann, Robert Hunter, Shireen Hunter, Jo Husbands, Bob Hutchings, Geza Jeszenszky, Roger Kanet, Ali Karaosmanoglu, Olav Knudsen, Charles Kupchan, Ron Linden, Bill Maynes, Ali Mazrui, Karen Mingst, Chung-in Moon, Hideki Ohata, Ioan Mircea Pascu, Robert Pastor, Ann Sisson Runyan, Andrzej Rychard, Simon Serfaty, Marie-Claude Smouts, Dmitri Trenin, Richard Ullman and Thanos Veremis

In the past several years, International Politics has published important contributions to literature on contemporary political questions that transcend geographic and ideological limits such as regional integration, refugees, proliferation, privatization, NGOs and other new global actors, the diffusion of normative regimes, intervention and peacekeeping, the nexus between globalization and democracy, and an array of similarly transnational topics.

International Politics is produced and distributed by Kluwer. The journal is indexed and abstracted in CSA Worldwide Political Science Abstracts, Geobase/Geo Abstracts, the International Bibliography of the Social Sciences, International development Abstracts, International Political Science Abstracts, Political Science & Government Abstracts, and Sociological Abstracts. Kluwer assigns a production editor at its Norwell, MA offices to the journal, and the editorial team also works with Kluwer's New York City personnel (including its marketing director) regarding publicity. Kluwer Law International has, in the past, provided a modest annual fee to cover some graduate student work on the journal, plus expenses related to an editorial board meeting and reception at the annual International Studies Association conference.

The new editorial team need not be located at the same institution, although one of the editors' institutions should be prepared to offer an office, equipment, and student or other office assistance for management of the peer-review process. Likewise, a Book Review Editor (or editors) can be located at another university, as has been the case with the current editorial team.

Inquiries and expressions of interest in the editorships of International Politics should be made to either Daniel N. Nelson or Laura Neack at the email addresses or telephone numbers mentioned below.

Dr. Daniel N. Nelson,
George C. Marshall European Center,
Gernackerstr. 2, Geb. 103,
82467 Garmisch-Partenkirchen,
Tel: +49-8821-750-567

Dr. Laura Neack,
Department of Political,
Harrison Hall,
Miami University,
Oxford, Ohio 45056,
United States.
Tel: 513-529-6736

Brussels School of International Studies

VISITING SCHOLARS PROGRAM - Invitation for Applications for Visiting Scholars

The Brussels School of International Studies of the University of Kent at Canterbury is inviting applications for Visiting Scholars. The Brussels School operates in association with the Universite Libre de Bruxelles and the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. The duration of the visit may be from one term to one year. The post is non-remunerated, but the incumbent will be offered a private office among the School’s academic offices, in a thriving academic community some 15 minutes from the centre of Brussels. Scholars from any field may apply, though those with an interest in one of the School’s specialisations – International Relations, International Conflict Analysis, and International Human Rights Law – are preferred. For further information, please contact:

Dr. Jarrod Wiener,
Brussels School of International Studies,
University of Kent at Canterbury,
Vesalius College,
Pleinlaan 2,
B-1050 Brussels,

Tel: +32 2 641 1722
Fax: +32 2 641 1720

Search the ECPR Online Research Market Database.
This database is updated continuously. Any information that we receive is added to the Research Market within three days. Any item will be taken off the database as soon as the deadline has passed. Therefore, all the information is up-to-date.
International Relations/Political Science positions in the United States.
This online database is regularly updated, and features faculty tenure positions in the US, and other countries.
Search for International Relations/Politics posts at the H-Net, Humanities and Social Science Online database.
H-Net is an international interdisciplinary organization of scholars and teachers dedicated to developing the enormous educational potential of the Internet and the World Wide Web. The H-Net Job Guide covers positions in History, the Humanities, and Social Sciences, as well as listings in rhetoric, composition. A weekly index is posted to many of H-Net's E-mail lists.

Direct all enquiries to:
Christopher Jones,
  Next Issue
The next issue will follow the Tallinn Meeting of the SGIR Steering Committee in May 2003.
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