The submission of material for consideration as a main article, a review article, or a 'discussion and debate' article is welcomed by the Editors. Manuscripts must be original and not currently under review elsewhere. Proposals for review articles should be cleared with the editors first. Discussion and debate pieces should normally address earlier content of the journal. Main articles should normally be within 8-10,000 words, and under no circumstances longer than 12,000 words, including all notes and references. Review articles should normally be within 4-6,000 words. All submission should contain a total word count on the title page. Due to length constraints, EJIR is no longer open to special issues. All submissions must be typed in double spacing throughout on one side of A4 or American Quarto paper, with generous left- and right-hand margins. An abstract of up to 150 words must precede the main text, and all pages should be numbered. Two hard copies should be submitted to 'The Editor' at the address given below, and one copy retained by the author. At the same time an electronic copy (which must match the hard copy exactly) should be emailed as an attachment in Word or RTF to: Ejir@lse.ac.uk Resubmissions following a 'revise and resubmit' verdict on the original submission must follow the same procedure.
A short biographical note should accompany the manuscript, as well as a cover sheet giving name, institutional address, e-mail address if applicable, and telephone and fax numbers. If the address to which proofs and offprints are to be sent is different from the above, it too should be supplied. Since each manuscript will be sent for anonymous review, the enclosed biographical note and cover sheet should not be attached to the manuscript. For this reason a second title page should also be included, containing only the title of the manuscript. All possible identifying information should also be excluded from the body of the text.
Titles and section headings should be brief and clear. Lengthy quotations (exceeding 40 words) should be displayed in the text in indented form, while shorter ones should be retained - using single quotation marks - within the body of the text. Spelling is based on the Oxford English Dictionary and the guidelines laid down in Hart's Rules for Compositors (Oxford); but US spellings are retained in manuscripts of North American origin. The Journal also endorses the guidelines provided by the British Sociological Association and the American Psychological Association for non-sexist and non-racist language. Tables and figures should have short, descriptive titles, and their position in the text be clearly indicated. All footnotes to tables and their source(s) should be placed under the tables. Column headings should clearly define the data presented. Camera-ready artwork should be supplied for all figures, accompanied by explanatory captions typed on a separate sheet.
Essential notes should be indicated by superscript numbers in the text and presented at the end of the text but before the references. References cited in the text should read as follows: Brown (1975: 63-4), (Brown and Smith, 1975, 1980). Use 'et al.' when citing a work by more than two authors, e.g. Brown et al. (1981) or (Brown et al., 1981). The letters a, b, c, etc. should be used to distinguish citations of different works by the same author in the same year, e.g. Brown (1975a, b). All references cited in the text should be listed alphabetically and presented in full after the notes as following:
Articles in journals: Wallace, Helen (1991) 'European Governance in Turbulent Times', Journal of Common Market Studies 31 (3): 293-303.
Books: Ullman, Richard H. (1991) Securing Europe. Twickenham: Adamtine Press.
Edited volumes: Holsti, K.J. (1992) 'Governance Without Government: Polyarchy in Nineteenth-Century European International Politics', in James N. Rosenau and Ernst-Otto Czempiel (eds) Governance Without Government: Order and Change in World Politics, pp. 30-57. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Unpublished works: Alker, Hayward R., Jr (1993) 'Return of Practical Reason', mimeo, Australian National University.
The typescript should be carefully checked for errors before it is submitted for publication. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of quotations, for supplying complete and correct references, and for obtaining permission where needed to cite another author's material.
Authors will be asked to provide a diskette containing the final version of their paper following acceptance for publication. The author is responsible for guaranteeing that the final hard copy and diskette versions of the manuscript are identical.
Before publication authors are requested to grant exclusive publishing licence to SAGE Publications and the Standing Group on International Relations of the European Consortium for Political Research, subject to retaining their right to reuse the material in other publications written or edited by themselves and due to be published at least one year after initial publication in the Journal.
Authors receive proofs of their articles for checking and correction, and are sent 25 offprints of the published version plus one copy of the issue of the Journal on publication.