The Standing Group on International Relations has since 1999 organised an annual summer school - the European International Relations Summer School (EIRSS). Beginning in Tampere, Finland, successive sessions have been held across Europe, as shown in the list to the right. If you haven't been to one of the previous EIRSS sessions, click the links to see what you missed.
The EIRSS is a rotating international school for post-graduate students in International Relations. It offers thematic courses in contemporary European affairs, world politics and international theory, and provides instruction in research methodologies and professional skills. It also arranges interdisciplinary courses with adjacent disciplines, the idea being to provide training for about 20 doctoral students whose specialism relates to the general theme of the summer school in that particular year.
As a Pan-European school, the EIRSS facilitates individual contacts between university departments and other research institutions to improve teacher and student mobility, and to share teaching resources. The programmes, venues and staff arrangements of the EIRSS reflect different cultural and academic traditions in Europe. The principal working language is English, but individual courses and workshops may be arranged in other major European languages.
The EIRSS is an important part of the activities of the Standing Group on International Relations. It is managed by a Board of Directors that is appointed by the Steering Committee for a period of three years. The Board is the executive and principal supervising body of the EIRSS.
The next sessions of the EIRSS are:
Details of later sessions will be available nearer the date, and on this page.
Questions regarding the EIRSS can be addressed to the EIRSS Co-ordinator, by sending an e-mail to summerschool@www.sgir.org