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WISC Second Global International Studies Conference


Theme: What keeps us apart, what keeps us together? International Order, Justice, Values

Encouraged by the success of its first conference in Istanbul in 2005, the World International Studies Committee agreed in San Diego in 2006 that the next conference would take place in Ljubljana, Slovenia.

The Central and East European International Studies Association (CEEISA), in cooperation with the local host and all the members of the World International Studies Committee (WISC), has been entrusted with organizing the conference. The WISC is committed to making this conference truly global. We are determined to bring together scholars who may not have an opportunity to attend many international studies conferences regularly, and make it possible for them to create lasting professional networks with scholars from all over the world. This is how the WISC strives to live up to its name and make this unique effort a success.

The theme of the conference connotes global tensions and dilemmas, as well as cooperative possibilities. Furthermore, the theme invites debates on patterns of inclusion and exclusion. Finally, we want to encourage looking at global and regional problems through different lenses and from varying perspectives. Our general aim is to bring together scholars from all parts of the world to examine the contrasting perspectives on global problems and to set the agenda for our future explorations of international relations, broadly conceived.

The Programme Committee will organize three plenary roundtables on the themes of ‘International Order’, ‘Global Justice’ and ‘Global Values’ with participants drawn from different quarters of the globe.

In addition to the general conference theme, the Programme Committee wishes particularly to encourage panels or papers on the following themes:
1. Contemporary balance(s) of power: material and ideational power
2. New wars, conflicts and soft security issues
3. Human rights, duties and needs
4. Regional integration: formal and informal processes
5. Contending perspectives on environmental threats
6. Global civil society
7. International organizations: the politics of reform and effectiveness
8. Geopolitics, geoeconomics and geocultures
9. Identity issues and fundamentalism
10. Theorizing IR: the function and dysfunction of biases and simplicity
11. Global patterns of illicit flows: people, money and commodities
12. New trends in diplomacy and foreign policy
13. The values and pathologies of global pluralism
14. Power and Ethics in IR
15. Contemporary Foreign Policy Strategies of the G6:
the USA, the EU, China, India, Brazil and Russia
16. Global capitalism, globalization and neoliberal strategies
17. Politics of Migration
18. Teaching International Relations – techniques and priorities

This list is in no sense restrictive. The Committee invites submissions for panels or papers on other themes or topics as well.

The Conference is open to all members of any WISC member organization and to others with like interests in the scholarly and practical aspects of international studies. The Programme Committee reserves the right to refuse permission to participate. Decisions of the Programme Committee are final.

Individuals may propose sections, panels or papers by completing the attached form to be available very soon on this website. A section consists of a number of panels (up to 10) on a particular theme. A panel consists of up to four papers, a discussant/chairperson, or it can take the form of a Round Table. Each panel lasts for 90 minutes. Papers givers will have not more than 12 minutes for their presentation, as will the discussant. Chairpersons of both panels and Round Tables should leave 30 minutes for discussion from the floor.

Papers will be given in English. It is expected that paper givers will circulate their paper to all other participants on their panel. In principle, the only equipment provided is an overhead projector, although equipment for a Powerpoint presentation may be provided if requested in advance. A paper will be allocated to an appropriate panel, tabled or rejected. Section and Panel proposals should include an international element among its participants or the Programme Committee may exercise its prerogative to include such an element. A tabled paper is an official contribution to the Conference but one that will not be discussed in a panel due to the exigencies of time, space or topic. Such papers may be uploaded on the Conference website.


The deadline for responding to submissions is 1 February 2008. The Programme Committee will, however, confirm acceptance of submissions before the deadline. This implies that early submission is recommended. Proposals received after the deadline, stipulated by the Programme Chairs, are unlikely to be included in the programme.

For full details visit the WISC website:

Permalink15/05/07, 07:32:28 pm, by Christopher Jones Email , 99 views, Conferences Send feedback

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