SGIR Steering Committee 2007-2010
At the recent Pan-European Conference in Turin, the outgoing Steering Committee selected new members from a provisional slate of Nominees to serve as members of the Steering Committee 2007-2010.
The Steering Committee members are:
Eiki Berg
Morten Boas
Anna Caffarena
Noe Cornago
James Davies
Thomas Diez
Petr Drulak
Volodymir Dubovik
Johan Eriksson
Elise Feron
Laura Cristina Ferreira-Pereira
Stefano Guzzini
Heinz Gartner
Knud Erik Jorgensen
Sule Kut
Andreas Noelke
Henk Overbeek
Sergei Prozorov
Helena Rytovuori-Apunen
Zlatko Sabic
Brigitte Vassort-Rousset
Antje Wiener
Justyna Zajac
Bernhard Zangl

Nominations to SGIR Steering Committee 2007-2010
The term of office of the present Steering Committee of the Standing Group on International Relations expires in September. At its recent Braga Meeting in May 2007, the Steering Committee decided upon a provisional slate of Nominees to serve as members of the Steering Committee 2007-2010, to take effect from the Pan-European Conference in Turin 2007.
The Nominations list is presented below. For details of the Procedures regulating the process, and the Requirements of being a member of the Steering Committee, click here.
You are invited to participate in the selection process by offering comment on the existing candidates and/or nominating additional candidates. Your comments will be forwarded to the Nominations Committee.
The Steering Committee welcomes your participation in this process of nomination.
Current members nominated for another 3 year term
Professor Eiki Berg, Estonia
Dr. Morten Bøås, Norway
Dr. Anna Caffarena, Italy
Professor Thomas Diez, United Kingdom/Germany
Dr. Laura Cristina Ferreira-Pereira, Portugal
Professor Stefano Guzzini, Sweden/Denmark
Dr. Heinz Gärtner, Austria
Dr. Knud Erik Jørgensen, Denmark
Professor Şule Kut, Turkey
Professor Helena Rytövuori-Apunen, Finland
Dr. Brigitte Vassort-Rousset, France
Professor Antje Wiener, United Kingdom/Germany
Dr. Justyna Zajac, Poland
Dr. Bernhard Zangl, Germany
Nominations for new members 2007-2010
Oleg Barabanov, Russia
Noé Cornago, Spain
James Davies, Switzerland
Petr Drulak, Czech Republic
Volodymir Dubovik, Ukraine
Johan Eriksson, Sweden
Elise Féron, France
Karin Fierke, United Kingdom
Lene Hansen, Denmark
Dimitri Lanko, Russia
Andreas Noelke, Netherlands/Germany
Henk Overbeek, Netherlands
Sergei Prozorov, Russia
Zlatko Sabic, Slovenia
Nomination for Chair of the Standing Group
Dr. Brigitte Vassort-Rousset is nominated to stand for a second term as the Chair of the Steering Committee of the SGIR.
If you wish to nominate an additional candidate, please consider the Requirements for membership. Offer your argument in support of your nominee, and include their institutional affiliation and contact details.