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SGIR Steering Committee 2007-2010

At the recent Pan-European Conference in Turin, the outgoing Steering Committee selected new members from a provisional slate of Nominees to serve as members of the Steering Committee 2007-2010.

The Steering Committee members are:

Eiki Berg
Morten Boas
Anna Caffarena
Noe Cornago
James Davies
Thomas Diez
Petr Drulak
Volodymir Dubovik
Johan Eriksson
Elise Feron
Laura Cristina Ferreira-Pereira
Stefano Guzzini
Heinz Gartner
Knud Erik Jorgensen
Sule Kut
Andreas Noelke
Henk Overbeek
Sergei Prozorov
Helena Rytovuori-Apunen
Zlatko Sabic
Brigitte Vassort-Rousset
Antje Wiener
Justyna Zajac
Bernhard Zangl

Permalink20/09/07, 07:38:02 pm, by Christopher Jones Email , 109 views, Announcements, SGIR News, Steering Committee Send feedback

IBEI Junior (Assistant) Professor Position 2008

The Institut Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals (IBEI) invites applications for a full time tenure-track position in International Relations at the Assistant Professor level. The position begins in September 15th 2008. The contract will be offered for 5 years. At the end of the 4th year, the Assistant Professor will be evaluated. In case of a positive evaluation that demonstrates an outstanding performance, the Assistant Professor will be offered a permanent contract. To apply for this position, candidates must have a Ph.D. obtained within the last five years (preferred before September 2005). The Assistant Professor is expected to teach in the IBEI Master's degree program and to participate in the IBEI activities and research programs. Salary will be in line with a Lecturer in the Catalan public university system. All applications must be sent in by December 1st, 2007. Interested persons must send a letter of interest; their complete Curriculum Vitae; a report of teaching and research activities that credits teaching experience and research potential; a sample of previous research; an statement about their research project; and three letters of recommendation to the following address:

IBEI -- Institut Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals
Research Coordination
Elisabets, 10
08001 Barcelona

or by e-mail

The Institut Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals is a graduate teaching and research institution recently created through the initiative of the CIDOB Foundation and five universities in Barcelona (the University of Barcelona, the Autonomous University of Barcelona, Pompeu Fabra University, the Open University of Catalonia, and the Technical University of Catalonia) and is financed through public funding. The Barcelona Institute for International Studies supports research in all fields of international political economics, international relations, international security, foreign policy and comparative politics.

Further information about the IBEI and its Master's degree in International Relations can be obtained through the following address:

Permalink07/09/07, 03:44:29 pm, by Christopher Jones Email , 175 views, Positions Send feedback

Palgrave Studies in International Relations

In association with the ECPR Standing Group on International Relations, Palgrave Macmillan is delighted to announce a new series dedicated to producing cutting-edge titles in International Relations. Palgrave Macmillan has been a publisher of outstanding scholarly work on international affairs since the inception of academic discipline of IR in the 1930s, with a list that includes many of the seminal thinkers. Palgrave Studies in International Relations will build on that tradition.

Edited by Knud Erik Jørgensen and Audie Klotz, Palgrave Studies in International Relations will provide students and scholars with the best theoretically-informed scholarship on the global issues of our time, in keeping with the ECPR Standing Group’s commitment to fostering dialogue in the discipline of IR. The series will comprise innovative and intellectually rigorous monographs and edited collections which bridge schools of thought and cross the boundaries of conventional fields of study.

The aim of the series is to present the best research in an accessible form, suitable both for researchers and graduate course-takers and tutors working in this broad and rapidly changing field. Prospective authors should submit their proposals to Amy Lankester-Owen at Palgrave:

Permalink30/08/07, 04:48:58 pm, by Christopher Jones Email , 125 views, Announcements, Publications Send feedback

Call for applications: European Foreign and Security Policy Studies

Though the question of how the European Union can ensure the security of its citizens and contribute to worldwide peace has be-come increasingly relevant, foreign and security policies in Europe are still widely considered as national responsibilities. The research and training programme “European Foreign and Security Policy Studies” aims at overcoming this gap by analysing and debating the preconditions and prospects of the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) of the EU and the European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP). The programme has been jointly developed by the foundations Compagnia di San Paolo, Turin/Italy, Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, Stockholm/Sweden, and VolkswagenStiftung, Hanover/Germany. The previous three rounds of applications in 2004 to 2006 resulted in a total of 70 grants. We envision that 20 to 25 new project proposals will be selected at the end of this fourth and final round.

With their joint initiative the three foundations want to strengthen the European dimension in the next generation of intellectual leaders and security experts. The dominance of national approaches to international security in large parts of the academic debate and day-to-day politics should recede in favour of a transnational perspective. Therefore international mobility of participants is an important objective of the initiative. The research and training programme will give European researchers and young professionals opportunities to con-duct research at two or more European institutions, and to build networks, thereby making an impact on the wider debate in the field of foreign and security policies. Within this thematic framework applicants can freely choose their research topics.

Funding possibilities
Eligible for funding are post doctoral researchers and Ph. D. candidates. Young professionals (e. g. civil servants, diplomats, journalists, lawyers, and employees of non-governmental organisations) with equivalent background are also invited to apply. Applicants should be based in Europe and not be older than 32 years. Specific disciplines, nationality or EU citizenship do not form criteria for exclusion in the selection process. Please note that the three foundations accept only individual applications.

Submission and processing of applications
All applications will be dealt with jointly by the three foundations.
In order to be included in the final round, applications together with the information listed in the attached “check-list” must be submitted (by e-mail only) by 30 September 2007 (date of arrival).

For full details, click here.

Permalink24/08/07, 05:04:51 pm, by Christopher Jones Email , 248 views, Announcements Send feedback

Doctoral fellowship in risk studies

The International Peace Research Institute, Oslo (PRIO) and the Institute for Risk Management and Societal Safety, University of Stavanger are strengthening risk research and will soon start a large project on the social determination of risk with an application to critical infrastructure and mass transportation protection in the Norwegian civil aviation sector.

The research will include two PhD projects, one with focus on developing a social theory of risk assessment (PRIO), the other with focus on societal security and risk management in the Norwegian setting (University of Stavanger).

The second PhD fellowship, based at the University of Stavanger, will be announced later in the Autumn.

Minimum requirements are Masters Degree in the social sciences or humanities with specialization in social or political theory, or a related field. The PhD candidate will work closely with an interdisciplinary team of other researchers working on related aspects of risk determination in Norway. The positions give the opportunity to work in a leading international research environments and to contribute to an important new area of research.

The full announcement text and project description is available
from project leader J. Peter Burgess ( +47 22 54 77 00.

Deadline: 3 September 2007

Permalink12/07/07, 05:17:54 pm, by Christopher Jones Email , 613 views, Announcements, Positions Send feedback

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