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Newsletter of the ECPR Standing Group on International Relations.


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Internship with International Studies Journal (ISJ) in Tehran

After successfully completing the first internship programme at ISJ in 2005, we are pleased to announce the details for the programme of 2007.

In 2005 we had selected three interns as listed below:
- Pr. Dr. Han van der Veen, Institut Univeristaire Europenne
- Mr. Ardin Djalali, Council of Europe
- Ms. Hedieh Kianyfar, North Eastern University of Cyprus.

Purpose of the internship programme
1. Internships for university professors, young scholars, and post-graduate students are available at the Office of International Studies Journal (ISJ) in Tehran. These internships are intended to:
a) Increase the intern's function on publishing an article and to be familiar with the publication of a quarterly at the international level by giving them an opportunity to work in an academic atmosphere; and
b) Provide ISJ with the assistance and contribution of outstanding young professors and post graduate students.
2. The relationship between ISJ and the interns is one of mutual benefit. Interns are assigned to practical and theoretical work. They are involved in: researching international issues (especially on human rights), providing and assisting the process of producing a quarterly (ISJ), assisting the editor-in-chief, making the connection between ISJ and other quarterlies, universities, and research centers. Assisting in the activities of ISJ seminar and workshops include information activities and the registration process of candidates to the workshop.

3. The names of interns will be published in ISJ for 2 issues as “ISJ interns”.

Qualifications required
4. Interns will be selected among university professors, post-graduate students or holders of a PhD in International Human Rights Law, International Law, International Relations, Political Science, History, and Social Sciences. Preference will be given to those, within these disciplines, who have specialized in human rights issues. Applicants must be sponsored by an academic institution and must have a good command of English and be familiar with French. The people also familiar with Persian are preferred. Drafting ability in either English or French is required.

Internship dates and duration
Interns will be selected 15 June and be required to work for a minimum period of three weeks from July 7 to 31.

Conditions of service
5. According to the Islamic Republic of Iran legislation, interns must respect Iranian criteria for foreign people. Interns are not paid and they will work as volunteers in ISJ office by conducting research and practical work.
6. Interns are assigned to work with the editor-in-chief who is responsible for providing them with a description of their duties and a work plan.
7. ISJ internships are not remunerated and interns are not considered officials or staff members of ISJ. Travel costs and living expenses must be borne by the interns themselves or by a sponsoring institution.
8. Interns must pay 150 Euro as prices for all issues of ISJ, books and other documents which are provided by ISJ for interns.
9. ISJ accepts no responsibility for costs arising from accidents and/or illness incurred during the internship. Interns must have their own health insurance. In case of illness or other circumstances that might prevent the completion of the internship, interns will inform editor-in-chief of ISJ.
10. There is no expectancy of employment at the end of the internship.
11. Regarding the problem of visa for our selected Americans interns in last year , ISJ can not make any promises for the obtaining of visas by US citizens but will try to facilitate it.
12. Interns are expected to work full-time and to carry out the duties assigned to them.
Procedure for applying
13. Applicants should submit the following documentation:

Letter of application;
CV + photo
2 recommendation letters by their university or sponsoring institution.

14. Closing dates for applications are 8 June.
Address for applications
Nema Milaninia , or
ISJ office, Apt 12 , No 337, Dolat st., CP 19446, Tehran , Iran .
Tel: (0098-21)22594417

For further information, please feel free to contact the following:
Pr. Dr. Mehdi Zakerian, (editor- in- chief) E-mail:

Nema Milaninia, (Executive Director)

International Studies Journal (ISJ) "Iranian Democrtic View of International Affairs"
Address: ISJ, Aprt. 12, No. 337, Shaheed Kolahdooz St.,
CP 1944685455, Tehran, Iran.
Tel: (+98-21) 22594417
Fax: (+98-21) 22594417

Permalink15/05/07, 07:08:29 pm, by Christopher Jones Email , 843 views, Positions Send feedback

Call for Papers - 5th EuPRA General Conference

Sakarya, TURKEY
August 21–24, 2007

The conference of the European Peace Research Association (EuPRA) in co-operation with Sakarya University, Department of International Relations.
Conference Coordinator: Dr. Nesrin Kenar, Assistant Professor, Sakarya University

- SECTION 1: Threats of Terrorism and Peace and Future of Security in Europe
- SECTION 2: Borders of Civilizations in Europe
- SECTION 3: Politics of Identity and Reconstructing European Union
- SECTION 4: Occidentalism and Orientalism in Europe After 9/11
- SECTION 5: Cultures of Citizenship and Democracy in Europe
- SECTION 6: The Role of International Organizations ( UN, NATO, OSCE and EU) in the Globalized International System
- SECTION 7: Peace and War in Southeastern Europe
- SECTION 8: The Role of NGOs in Crisis-management, Peace-building and Reconciliation
- SECTION 9: Political Economy
- SECTION 10: US Foreign Policy
- SECTION 11: Turkey in 21. Century

**If you would like your abstract to be considered for one of the featured panels, please clearly indicate that on your submission.

Other sections to be formed in accordance with the proposals and papers by the participants.

The programme structure, especially as regards workshops, is still quite flexible and can be reformed in accordance with the proposals from the participants. Especially it should be noted that although the main theme of the conference is 'CHALLENGES OF PEACE AND DEMOCRACY IN EUROPE' - this does imply that all papers should deal with Europe. On the contrary, the contents of the working groups should reflect the research being carried out at present within the European peace research community.

Conference language is English. Presented papers will be published.

APPLICATION: If interested in presenting a paper or organizing a panel/workshop in the 2007 EuPRA Conference, please submit:
PAPER TITLE (and Panel theme and paper titles if applicable)

Please indicate your willingness to serve as a session MODERATOR and/or DISCUSSANT.

The deadline for abstract submission is 15th June 2007

Important Deadlines and Dates
15th June 2007 - Deadline for receipt of abstracts
30th June 2007 - Decisions on acceptance/rejection of abstracts by Conveners
10 Agust 2007 - Final date for registration by presenters of papers (otherwise paper will be withdrawn from the conference programme)
21–24 August 2007 EuPRA Conference in Sakarya

For information and registration, contact:
Sakarya University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Department of International Relations, Sakarya, Adapazarý, Turkey

Conference Administration:
Tel: 00 90 264 295 63 72
Fax: 00 90 264 295 62 33

Conference Coordinator: Dr. Nesrin Kenar, Assistant Professor, Sakarya University
e-mail :

Conference secreteria:
Murat Yesiltas,,
Ali Balcý,
Yýldýrým Turan

We welcome proposals reflecting various empirical, theoretical, and methodological approaches in the social sciences. We encourage all members to disseminate this message to those who might be interested in submitting a paper proposal in the conference. Please indicate your section.

Send all paper proposals to by June 15th.

Permalink15/05/07, 05:12:32 pm, by Christopher Jones Email , 289 views, Conferences Send feedback

Summer School on Europe in the International Security Order

The International Institute for Politics and Economics (HAUS RISSEN HAMBURG) and the Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy at Hamburg University are organizing a summer school on

Europe in the International Security Order:
Concepts, Issues, and Trends
20 – 24 August 2007

The underlying concern of the summer school is to analyse various models for the EU’s international role. The EU has already achieved the status of a great economic power which is able to challenge the economic hegemony of the USA. However, in military terms, it has to be considered as relatively weak lacking any common political will. Should Europe concentrate its energies to develop strong defence and strategic capabilities independent from the USA and NATO? Or is the strength of Europe rather to be found in the cultural sector, namely to shape international moral and legal standards?

Please find the call for applications and the schedule on our website:

For further information, please contact:

Dr. Eckard Bolsinger
(stellv. Institutsdirektor)
Tel. (040) 81 907 12

Permalink15/05/07, 04:48:17 pm, by Christopher Jones Email , 35 views, Announcements Send feedback

Extraordinary Professorship in European Studies - University of Tartu

EuroCollege, University of Tartu invites applications for an


for the period of September 1, 2007 until June 30, 2008.

The academic responsibilities of this extraordinary professorship will be the
implementation of the ESF co-financed project "Improving the academic education and
training of high level experts in European Union Affairs in Estonia".

The successful candidate will be in charge of:
- Developing an integrated research in European Studies aiming at enhancing the academic quality of the existing curricula;
- Preparing and implementing a long-term curricula development strategy;
- Teaching in chosen fields of interest, preferably in European Union Studies;
- Developing contacts with the international network of European Union studies;
- Designing and leading EU research seminars.

Candidates shall prove:
- PhD (preferably related to EU Studies)
- Experience in curricula development
- Strong research record in European Union Studies
- Relevant teaching experience at graduate level
- Very good cooperation and communication skills
- Excellent command of the English language

EuroCollege offers a unique opportunity for working in a dynamic and challenging academic environment in one of the most successful EU new member state with a competitive salary in the region (around 4000 EUR per month after taxes).

Candidates are asked to submit the following documents to the Personnel Department of the University of Tartu (postal address: 4, Jakobi St, Tartu 51014) by June 15, 2007:

- a letter of application to the Rector (in English)
- a curriculum vitae - - in the required format (in English)
- a list of research publications - - in the format required by UT (if necessary enclosing copies or off-prints important publications)
- a letter of recommendation
- a copy of the document certifying the candidate's educational qualifications and academic degree
- Further materials considered relevant by the candidate (a list of these materials is to be included in the application or annexed to it).

Additional information is available from the project manager, the Vice Director of the EuroCollege, University of Tartu, Ms. Katrin Olenko

E-mail:, Phone: +372 - 52 97 916, Website:

Permalink15/05/07, 04:54:47 am, by Christopher Jones Email , 153 views, Positions Send feedback

Revamping the SGIR Newsletter

As the term of my Editorship draws to a close, I felt the need to update the Newsletter in form and function. Frankly I got tired of having to write the web page code each time. A 'blog' makes so much more sense - all the information to you without considerable work on my part!

Furthermore, a blog allows for more frequent updates to the information. So instead of just twice a year, the SGIR Newsletter/blog is updated whenever items of interest arise.

By way of introduction, you may notice that on the right-hand side of the page there is a list of categories. These help to order the information according to type. Postings will be categorised for easier access.

In addition, postings are archived each month, and remain available.

One rather neat feature about blogs is that you can add comments to postings - just click the 'Send feedback' link at the bottom of any posting. This might be useful if you seek clarification about a posting, or you want to report on a conference you attended, or offer your thoughts on a publication listed.

Other than the 'cosmetic' change, the SGIR Newsletter remains the same. Items of interest can still be mailed to the Editor at Using a blog means that they will be posted much quicker.

You can still subscribe to the Newsletter e-mailing list (see the relevant message in this blog). For the more technically-savvy of you an RMS feed is available for subscription.

You can expect much more information to come your way via the SGIR Newsletter. First up, see the announcement of a position at the University of Tartu.

Christopher Jones,
SGIR Newsletter Editor & Webmaster.

Permalink15/05/07, 03:57:06 am, by Christopher Jones Email , 167 views, Announcements, SGIR News Send feedback

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